Samantha Pope Creations
Seamstress & Textile Artist
Description of Workshops Available for teaching
Overlocking for all levels
This workshop is designed for anyone who owns an overlocker but doesn’t get the most use from it because of threading and tension issues.
The class starts with threading from scratch with an explanation of the mechanics of the chaining process and how it affects the finished stitch. Coloured threads are used to illustrate the different paths each thread takes ad how it forms the stitch.
Tension adjustments, stitch length, stitch width and differential feed are covered.
Students will complete a note book (supplied with full written descriptions of all techniques) of samples including techniques such as, inside and outside corners, finishing off when sewing around circles and hems, rolled hemming, pintucking, lace, cotton tape & elastic application, decorative flatlocking, decorative edging and tucks & Overlocking over cords and yarn.
Decorative threads will be supplied in class for students to use.
Students will require an overlocker in good working condition, basic fabrics, some notions and all overlocker accessories.
This is a full day class with a running time of 6 hours. 9.30 – 4pm allowing ½ hour for lunch.
Includes full lesson notes and use of decorative threads.
Freehand Machine Embroidery - beginners
For anyone who wants to learn how to thread paint, monogram, and add freehand embroidery with a variety of stitch techniques to their work.
In this class students will learn the basics of freehand machine embroidery, how to set up the fabric using a hoop, tension adjustments, control and speed. Stitch techniques will include straight stitch, zig zag, monogramming, whip stitch, feather stitch sewing over open spaces and using heavy decorative threads in the bobbin case. Any straight stitch and zig zag sewing machine with the ability to cover or drop the feed dogs can achieve this kind of embroidery, no computerisation or discs required.
Students will require a sewing machine in good working condition, basic fabrics, an 8” wooden hoop and notions plus some embroidery and decorative threads. Some of the tutor’s decorative threads will be available during the class for students to use.
This is a full day class with a running time of 5 hours. 9.30 – 3pm allowing ½ hour for lunch.
Includes full lesson notes and use of decorative threads.
Embellishing Snapshots
For students who own a needle felting machine this class is designed to open up the possibilities of what is achievable with an Embellisher machine.
Besides needle felting wool fibres together it is also possible to texturise synthetic fabrics, weld fibres together, appliqué, couch, blend, collage, yarn paint and texturise different fabrics. This class is experimentation in techniques to play with a variety of fabrics and notions creating a workbook of samples and ideas to inspire future projects.
Students will need their own embellisher and a variety of fabric scraps, notion and fibres from their stash.
This is a half day class with a running time of 4 hours. with 1/2 hour allowed for lunch. Includes full lesson notes.
Other follow on Embellishing workshops include Sunflower Tote Bag/Wall hanging, Embellished Bag, Felted Wool Scarf and Yarn Collaged Hat. These are project workshops with a specific project being undertaken. All full day classes.
Paper & Canvas Embroidered Collage
This workshop is designed to expand the applications of freehand machine embroidery onto a painted surface.
A background is created by painting artist canvas with acrylics and adding stencilling techniques. Once dry, the canvas is then collaged with decorative papers creating a picture or background design much the same as a quilt. The resulting surface is perfect for embellishment with different freehand machine embroidery techniques. The finished workable surface can be used for journaling, stretched for framing, incorporated into textile art, book covers and much more.
Students would require a sewing machine in working condition, artist canvas pages (available at Neds) assorted paper, sewing threads and notions.
Tutor supplies paints, brushes, stencils & glue medium for an additional kit fee.
This is a full day class with a running time of 6 hours. 9.30 – 4pm allowing ½ hour for lunch.
Includes full lesson notes. Kit fee $6 per student.
Zapped Beads
This workshop involves manipulating fabric, plastics, fibres with heat to melt and distort them into decorative rolled beads. Students will use Vlisofix, nappy liners, cellophane, synthetic fabrics, Lutradur and Sizoflor to paint, print and wrap beads ready for zapping with a heat gun or soldering iron.
A well ventilated area is required for this workshop as harm full fumes are released during the zapping process and it is not suitable for pregnant women.
Kits will be available for purchase containing the above mentioned materials.
Includes full notes and use of stamps, texture plates and heating tools.
Needle Felted Wool Scarf
This is a perfect beginners workshop as an introduction to using your needle felting machine.
Students will create a wool scarf using an Australian merino prefelt as a base with variegated wool fibres needle felted over the surface to make patterns.
Freehand Machine embroidery is incorporated at the end to strengthen and decorate the surface.
Because of the time consuming nature of needle felting it is unlikely students will complete the project with in the time frame, they will however gain a practical understanding of all of the techniques used for completion at home.
Students will need both a needle felting machine and a sewing machine.
A kit is available containing the wool pre-felt, wool fibres and yarn.
This is a full day class running 10 - 3. Kit cost is $38
Embellished Midnight Blooms Wall Quilt
Create a small art quilt using a needle felting machine in combination with freehand embroidery techniques. Learn a variety of needle felting techniques involving texturising and bonding fabrics including silk, wool and net. Several different elements will be combined to create a floral art work.
9:30 -3:00. kit with silk velvet, net, satin, sari cord and fibres is available.
Workshops can be tailored to group needs.
Workshop Tutor fee is $35 an hour up to 4 hours then $300 per day up to 7 hours. Travel fee of $15 applies for venues over 70km from Murray Bridge.
Demonstration fee is $30 per hour, minimum of 2 hours. Travel fee of $15 applies for venues over 70km from Murray Bridge.